Vivo India Appoints Wunderman Thompson India As Its Agency On Record

Vivo India Appoints Wunderman Thompson India As Its Agency On Record

Wunderman Thompson India will handle the integrated creative responsibilities for the Vivo product portfolio

  • Updated on July 17, 2023 at 12:00 am IST
Smartphone brand Vivo India has appointed Wunderman Thompson India as its agency of record (AOR). Following a multi-agency launch process, Wunderman Thompson emerged as the agency managing Vivo's product portfolio and manages three product lines (V Series, Y Series and T Series).

Wunderman Thompson will be responsible for conceptualizing and executing integrated marketing campaigns and digital initiatives for the brand, the company said in a press release.

He said the agency will work hard to maintain brand leadership by increasing product portfolio visibility, strengthening its position and enhancing consumer awareness.

Commenting on the win, Joy Chauhan, Chief Client Officer, Wunderman Thompson South Asia and Managing Partner, Wunderman Thompson Delhi said; At Wunderman Thompson, we foster the growth of great brands and are excited to partner with Vivo to deliver business solutions and drive brand growth.

"With Vivo on an exciting growth trajectory, we are excited to be a part of their growth journey and to do great work on their new product line," added Chauhan.

Commenting on this partnership, Karun Arora, Head of Marketing Communications, Vivo India; "The consumer is at the heart of everything we do at Vivo. During the event, the Wunderman Thompson team delivered a consumer-centric approach that resonated with us."

"We are delighted to welcome them to our AOR product range, confident that the team will support us in developing engaging relationships that support our shared vision and engage consumers," added Arora.

The agency is responsible for its own communication strategy that helps position the brand.

  • Published on July 17, 2023 at 12:00 IST

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